88th Legislative Wrap-Up Luncheon

Thursday, November 16
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Blinn College Student Center, Brenham
Janis Sneed Banquet Room
The Washington County Chamber of Commerce, The Chappell Hill Chamber of Commerce and The Burton Chamber of Commerce
are proud to host the biennial legislative “wrap-up” forum
Senator Lois W. Kolkhorst and Representative Kyle Kacal
They will provide a recap of the 88th Texas Legislative Session and discuss some of the
most critical issues facing our state and what it all means for our region.
Q & A to follow.
This event includes a buffet lunch.
Tickets are $35 for Chamber Members, $45 for non-members,
or $350 for a reserved table (seats 8)
Registrations are being taken online at BrenhamTexas.com, call the Chamber at (979) 836-3695 or email
The deadline to reserve seating is Thursday, November 9, 2023.