A Message from your Chamber
Dear Members and Friends of the Washington County Chamber of Commerce,
Over the last 40+ days, we have operated our businesses and lived our lives under ever changing Executive Orders from our Governor and President and endured many unknowns. Beginning tomorrow at 12:01 a.m., we will start our path to a “new normal”. We will start this journey, together, as a community in a phased approach. This path to reopen will not be easy, but neither was the journey to get to today. We have been in uncharted waters full of uncertainty, but that uncertainty has a unique meaning to each business and individual. For some, the demands on your time and energy exponentially skyrocketed, while for others, you have sat alone with your business closed to the community. This pandemic has impacted each business and individual in a unique way, and your Chamber empathizes with you.
I find it ironic that April’s Core Value of the month with our P.E.A.C.E partners was Humility – putting others before yourself. These values and accompanying curriculum are developed months before a value is actually announced, but I cannot imagine a more appropriate Core Value for us to learn and teach. Our children did not need to be in school to see and feel the impact of this value in Washington County. When Brenham ISD had to make adjustments to their meal distribution, many of you stepped in to provide. Businesses have supported each other, and there is a renewed energy to Buy Local to support our local economy. Our healthcare workers, first responders and so many others in Washington County are the living example of April’s Core Value. Our collective Washington County community put others before ourselves – we lived by our actions the Core Value of Humility.
Tomorrow, marks our day of new beginnings. We begin the month of May, we begin Phase One to Open Texas, and we begin our focus on a new Core Value - Determination. Determination is an essential part of success. It motivates us to create change. Determination is the ability to keep trying and moving toward a goal, no matter what. Determination is getting up no matter how many times you fall or the pandemic changes your plans. Determination keeps you going, helps you learn from what went wrong and adjust course. Your Chamber Team is DETERMINED to support you, your workforce and a safe thoughtfully phased return to our robust quality of life.
Below are links to resources that you might find helpful as you mark your business and personal new beginning. Be on the lookout for today’s eblast as well. You will find useful information and an announcement about weekly webinars that your Chamber will facilitate throughout the month of May.
Office of the Texas Governor Phase One Reopen Texas
Aprl 30, 2020 Message from Dr. Loesch – Washington County
CDC’s Guidelines to Manage COVID – 19 Stress and Cope
It remains a great day to live in Washington County! Be Determined!
Wende L. Ragonis
President / CEO
Washington County Chamber of Commerce
314 S. Austin Street, Brenham TX 77833
Office (979) 836-3695 www.BrenhamTexas.com